Well, last night we met up with Ted and Sara and the kids, and Carolyn and Vic for two special events! First, to celebrate Ted's birthay and second for Sara to tell us what they were having! They had told everyone that they were not going to find out what they were having until it was born, but in the end decided to go and get the ultrasound. We were all very excited and hoping for a girl! They currently have 4 boys and 1 girl, and although we love all the boys everyone is being blessed with, a little girl is always fun! So we headed to the Pizza Factory in Spanish Fork for some good food and as alway good company! It was a lot of fun, and I am always happy when we go there because I just LOVE there breadstick! (Oh, by the way....did I mention they are having a girl!) Yahoo! I was trying to make you guy in just a little suspense! Did it work?
Well, here are some fun pics of the evening!
Just a few pics of the us all grubbin on our breadsticks! 

Chris eating his cupcake
Like father like son! I looked over and Chase was doing his best to get his hands on the cupcake!Yummy in my Tummy!
The Birthday Boy!
Fun pics! Looks like Chase is feeling better! It always makes me sad to see little kids that are sick :(
I'm so glad it's a girl... Shelby needs a little sis!!
Ok I am glad it's a girl so when are we getting a girl in our family hint hint!!!!!!
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