Chase had his 9 month appointment today! I must warn you all that I am going to really be a proud mommy during this whole blog, so please bare with me. First off, I thought when going today that he was not going to have any shots. I was so excited that the little guy would not have to deal with them, but was sad when they mentioned that he did have to have one. As usual he was a brave little guy and did great. They also pricked his heal to check his iron....What a tough guy he was! He did not even flinch...Sometimes I really think kids are just tougher than us adults. Well anyway beware here comes the gloating part....When the doctor walked in Chase greeted him with his cute little wave. The doctor said, "I have never had a nine month old wave to me like that...WOW!" He then went to Chase and said, "You are such smart little boy!" in which Chase responded with clapping! The doctor said, "Wow, that is really good, I usually see this at the 12 month appointment, but I have never seen it at 9..." I have to admit I was so proud of the little guy! It is amazing how us parents can be so excited over clapping and waving! For doing such a great job at the doctor today we ordered pizza! Chase ate it all up and loved every bite! I am just so proud of this little guy! He is such a great baby and the best addition to our family! He makes the cutest little sounds and like I said before that little laugh is contagious!

Weight- 20lbs 4oz- 44 percentile
Height- 29.3 inches- 77 percentile
Wow! He grew almost 3 inches since his last appointmet! He is totally going to be a little basketball player! Junior Jazz here we come!
Height- 29.3 inches- 77 percentile
Wow! He grew almost 3 inches since his last appointmet! He is totally going to be a little basketball player! Junior Jazz here we come!
Chase loves the doctor and especially loves that orange watch! How could a little one not be interested in that bright thing!
Chase was so interested in the window! Anytime anyone would walk in the doctors office he would start banging! I just thought it was funny....and pretty dang cute!
Still loving his new toy grandma got him! When he wants to walk around the house he grabs it and goes. He has not figured out though once he hits the wall what to do...He will usually just crawl away and find something new to do!
Dad told me about Chase's appt. I hoped you put it on the blog, He is so cute I love to see him walk, I just wish I was there to give him a great big hug and kiss, keep me posted I love all of you all....
I will brag right along with you... he is so stinkin cute! I am glad he is learning and progressing well-- keep reading those books to him!
Adorable! Doesn't it just melt your heart how much you love him! It's so crazy! I can't believe he is already 9 months! Would they slow down already!!! Hey,...Chase has been tagged! Check out my blog for details! ;)
I'm not surpised that the doc gave him "glowing reviews", Chase is SO smart and we all think he is the cutest thing ever. He is gonna be such a heart breaker. I know he will be walking soon :)
Duh. We didn't need the doctor to tell us that he's a smartie pants. We already knew that!. :-) But it's nice to have it confirmed by a third party. :-)
you are so funny, to take all those pictures at the doctor's office, good idea though!
He is so darn cute and smart. He for sure seems more social than most kids his age. I think you should brag isn't that what parents are for. Fun to see him walking too.
I could tell when I saw him how advanced he was - he's a cutie!
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