Twilight that is!
OK, so I stole this off of my friend Whitney's blog, but I had to share with all of you as well since I know there are so many fans of the Twilight series. OK, so I have to agree with Whitney when she said she was a little upset about the cast. Edward is supposed to be the most beautiful creature we have ever seen... now look at the person they chose to play him. NOT WHAT I WAS PICTURING! Sometimes movies just ruin what I have envisioned, but I have to say I am already so excited to see the movie. Looks like we are going to have to have a girls night for this one ladies!
Here is the website to go see the entire cast....
What do you think?
Have you been reading these books? Had no idea you were interested in them! In reading all the books that is not how I pictured Edward. I pictured him with who Stephenie wanted--Henry Cavill. I am sure I will still love the movie.
I am seriously disappointed. I wouldn't have picked a single one of them. I must have pictured them too beautiful for hollywood!
I am so excited that they are making the series into a movie! I had no idea. The actors that they picked look so different than I had envisioned them while reading the books...should be fun to watch anyway.
I think that the Edward that they picked for the movie is so ugly, why couldn't they find someone better, bug! When are you going to go to the pool with Lynn and I?
THANK YOU! I keep telling everyone he is not my Edward and NO ONE agrees. THey all think he is great. Although to be quite honest she wasn't my Bella either. Oh well! Can't wait!
I know,..I was bummed about the cast too,...but I am so excited for the movies! I just finished the books a few weeks ago. The best. Who would have thought we'd all be captured by some "teenage romance"? Ha! --The Edward thing,..I agree,..but EVERYONE's "edward" is different. It's everyone's "perfect man". No matter what,..that probably wouldn't have got it right for everyone. --Maybe they'll give him a makeover?! ;)
I totally agree! I was very disappointed when I saw the cast! I hate who they picked for Edward's mom, the chick from Grey's Anatomy (the burn victim with the face reconstruction who Alex digs) - what a bummer! But, I'll still watch - I'm a fan!
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