Sunday, March 30, 2008
7 Steps....He is on is way!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Where did spring go?
Chase is learning to get this walking thing down. He can take a few steps without help, but cruises around the neighborhood with his little toy! It is so cute because he will wave to the kids going by on thier bikes. I just think it is so dang cute!
Well us girls decided to get together for lunch this week! (Which we do about once a week) We headed to Costa Vida and thn decided we would eat it at Nalani's house so we could visit with Cash as well. It is always fun to get together and relax, and! Nothing makes a better day than good friends and food!
Chari with Cash! What a natural!
Aunt Melissa and Chase just horsing around in Cashs room!
And I am posting this pic, just because I know that Jed that will appreciate it. Lani and I were trying to see who was taller, Payton or Chase! We both have big plans for volleyball and basketball players. It was pretty funny trying to get them to stand back to back when all the wanted to do was touch each other!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Sunday!
Friday, March 21, 2008
I finally did it!
Ok so here is a little video of me. This is my second time down the hill, and I had not fallen yet and as soon as Chris starts taping me of course I fall. (I was trying to avoid hitting him and the snow plow just was not working for me) Hey I only fell three times this time down, so I was still pretty excited!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Daddy Time= Tickle Time!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Chase got Tagged!
- I love rolling around the floor with my mommy and daddy and tackling them. It makes me giggle tons! I really love to get anyone who lays on the watch out! :)
- I love reading books! My favorite books are the touch and feel books, I could just sit forever and look through them, but it is always more fun when someone reads them to me.
- I love when my Daddy comes home from work. It is fun hanging out with mommy, but I get so excited to see my daddy. Right when I hear his voice I start to clap and try to get to him as fast as I can. Sometimes the dog tries to fight for Daddy's attention too, but little does he know I have a special place in Daddy's heart and get my own special time with him everyday.
- I love to dance, dance, dance! If I hear my Daddy playing the piano or hear music from my favorite show the Backyardigans I get my little baby groove on!
- I love to stand and walk where ever I can. Where I cannot walk I crawl like lightening, and I am pretty dang fast if I do say so myself. I like to get into everything so my mom has to Chase me down everywhere I go now. It is just sad because sometime I bang my fingers in the drawers and the cabinets I open....When will I learn!
- I love bath time! As soon as I hear the bathwater running I get excited and go stand by the bathtub. Once I get in there I splish splash and put my head under the water.
- I love my blue blanket that Aunt Melissa got me. When I am tired I snuggle my face into it because it is so soft and cuddly! (Mommy and Daddy are so happy with how easy I go to bed....I just want them to lay me down so I can get some rest!)
- And of course my Mommy and Daddy think I am just the custest little guy to ever walk, (well crawl) on this earth. I make them laugh so much. They love my big eyes, and my chubby little body. The love my smile, and spend lots of time trying to make me laugh. I just get so excited all the time and jump up and down tons and I am just so happy that I do not have to share them yet.
Monday, March 10, 2008
9 Months Old Appointment!
Height- 29.3 inches- 77 percentile
Wow! He grew almost 3 inches since his last appointmet! He is totally going to be a little basketball player! Junior Jazz here we come!
Still loving his new toy grandma got him! When he wants to walk around the house he grabs it and goes. He has not figured out though once he hits the wall what to do...He will usually just crawl away and find something new to do!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Into Everything!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Night out with the Cameron Family!
Well, here are some fun pics of the evening!
Yummy in my Tummy!
The Birthday Boy!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Here comes the movie...