Saturday, December 29, 2007
Christmas...A little late!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Still more news....
Height- 26.6 Inches (44 percentile)
After the doctors appontment we headed to pick Chris up, made a few stops and then met up with Chris family for another night of Christmas fun.....First stop, The Chuck-O-Ramma. After we ate dinner we headed over to UVSC to watch "The Farley Family Christmas!" This was a great show....Basically we are all there for the Farley family Christmas reunion. Everyone has to where name tags and then you watch this guy do a oneman show of all these different characters in the Farley Family. It was lots of fun and lots of laughs! Chase for the first half of the show had his wide eyes watching every movement of the stage and even laughed at some of the things going on. The second half he fell asleep, but I don't blame him it had been a long day and I was tired too. With having shots he was great....This will definitly be a family tradition for us!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Lots to Share!
Josh and Chris taking a Hot Chocolate Break...
Cameron Christmas
Last night we celebrated our Christmas with the Cameron Family. Carolyn and Vic, and Ted, Sara, and the kids came down. We had a nice Christmas dinner and opened gifts with everyone. We will miss them this year at Christmas, but are excited we got to spend sometime together before we head to Florida. We ate, opened gifts, watched Mr. Kruegars Christmas, and of coure played a little Rock Band. The kids were so cute to watch on all the instruments! A good time was had by all!
Adam was so cute! Everytime he ripped off the smallest piece of paper he would run to the trash, so we finally brought a trshbag to him! He got a mud slinger truck to ride he was SO excited he kept saying, "Get it out Ted!"
Drew got a slurpee machine. He let us know this is great because they would not have to go to the 7-11 anymore!
Pokemon....Couldn't get a better gift for this littl guy!
Little Shelby...Lot's of activities to keep her busy!
Colby Cameron
Chase entertained by his little gift!
And last but not least here is our weekly update of Chase! He is now 6 Months 1 Week old. Of course I think that he is the cutest thing ever. His 2 bottom teeth have come in pretty well and now he is getting 4 top teeth. It seems like they are coming in so fast and it is so crazy to see. He is really trying to crawl right now and figure put how to be mobile. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. Usually he gets caught under the coffee table and starts screaming. I try to tell him if he rolls under there he is going to get stuck, but that may take sometime for him to understand. If he can't scoot where he wants to be he rolls, whatver works.... He is now a tummy sleeper too. Everytime I go into his room to check on him after he goes to bed he is on his tummy! I would put put him back on his back and go back in and he would be on his tummy again. I have to admit I like to sleep that way too! He is full of the cutest noises and seems to make new ones that make us laugh everyday. He had is first overnighter with Aunt Melissa and he did a great job! He has his 6 months appointment today so more updates to come...
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Here Comes Santa Claus!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
6 Months Old!
My happy little guy!
My little drool bucket!
Chase and his sippy cup! I think he likes a straw a little better, but he really likes to chew on the this if nothing else.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree!
Friday, November 30, 2007
5 months, 4 weeks old
My what big eyes you have....My what big teeth you have!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I'm 30! (This is coming out a little late!)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Chase is 24 Weeks Old!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Bachelor- The final Rose Ceremony!

Monday, November 12, 2007
What a week!
Adam rolling the dough for his mini pizza! He was so cute and he loved it!
We took the kids to the nickelcade one night! Adam was so cute running to all the different games! He loves motorcycles just like his Daddy and had to sit on every motorcycle game there!
Chase and Shelby