I know I have gotten a few calls already asking where my weekly post is of Chase...I am behind as you can see! But I have got to take some time and vent about the Bachelor! That is it....I am SO not watching that show anymore! I have spent a whole season investing my time, and my heart into this show only to have it ripped out right at the end of the season by an evil man named Brad! Here we are all of us girls sitting and watching waiting for him to proclaim his love to one the the beauties and he rejects them both! First off, I was crushed when I saw Jenny get out of the car first. Since day one, I have been a fan of hers and hoped that she would be the last one standing. It was hard enough to see her walk away, but then to have him not choose anyone in the end was totally inconsiderate to us all! I am not lying this year when I say....NO MORE BACHELOR! I am done! It is over.....that is after I watch tomorrows "After the Rose Ceremony"
Thanks for letting me vent! Brad "The Bachelor" is a JERK! And this show should be banned!
Thanks Rach for having us all over to watch!
I know. I can't believe it. But at least we all got together to visit. Let's form a "I HATE BRAD" club. How is your little one today? Did he have another bad reaction to oatmeal?
Hey, not all guys named Brad are bad! He was probably the most honest of the bachelors. We can't wait to see you guys and meet Chase!
Hate him!!
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