I just wanted to give a little update of our Christmas holiday! Chris and I flew out to FL on the 21st to spend the holiday with my family! Chase did great on the plane and has been spoiled rotten ever since we got here. We have spent lots of time talking, eating, and well eating.... My dad says he has never seen me have such a hardy appetite. It was a great Christmas with the family and we had so much fun spending time together and meeting Baby Carter. The only thing that was really missing from this Christmas was our sweet little Grandma!
Here are a few pictures from the holiday... ENJOY!
Also for this holiday we have had lots of fun hanging out and visiting with friends. Chase got invited to his first birthday party. He got to hang out with all the kids and even got to pull the string on the pinata. It was a lot of fun and the kids were wore out at the end!
I love the picture of Chase in his party hat. He looks so cute!
Chase is getting too big....too fast! (How come time can't fly that quickly while you're pregnant?) He's such a cute little dude!
Chase is so cute! I love that kid :)
The picture of Chase in the santa hat is so cute! He is such a cute kid!
I was fun seeing you guys while in town. Chase is so cute!
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