Yesterday Chase had his
6 month appointment! It went great considering that he had to get the nasty shots. The doctor was very impressed with him and said that he is advanced for how well, he is sitting up and where he is at in trying to crawl. Of course Chase put on a great show of bouncing up and down while sitting, and trying to sit up every time the doctor tried to lay him down. If you haven't noticed I have my hands full already with this little guy! He grabbed the doctors stethoscope with his death grip and pulled it right off his neck and made a lot of rips in the paper that he should have been patiently sitting on.
What can I say....He is a handful!
Weight- 18.12 Lbs (58 percentile)
Height- 26.6 Inches (44 percentile)
Farley Family Christmas!
After the doctors appontment we headed to pick Chris up, made a few stops and then met up with Chris family for another night of Christmas fun.....First stop, The Chuck-O-Ramma. After we ate dinner we headed over to UVSC to watch "The Farley Family Christmas!" This was a great show....Basically we are all there for the Farley family Christmas reunion. Everyone has to where name tags and then you watch this guy do a oneman show of all these different characters in the Farley Family. It was lots of fun and lots of laughs! Chase for the first half of the show had his wide eyes watching every movement of the stage and even laughed at some of the things going on. The second half he fell asleep, but I don't blame him it had been a long day and I was tired too. With having shots he was great....This will definitly be a family tradition for us!

This was pretty much Chase's eyes the whole first half of the show!

Waiting for the show to start!

Adam waiting for the show to start...I think he was a little bored with the show within the first 10 minutes! :) Not enough action for a kid his age!
I wish we would have gone to the Farley show. I couldn't decide if it would be worth it. Now I wish we would have just gone anyway. And, your boy is so cute! I can't believe how big he is. Adelaide weighed that much at her one year appointment!
I'll have to go the that show if it comes next year, sounds fun!!
Chase is getting so big.... so advanced he is!!
Awe Chase is such a cutie pie! Aren't you lucky to have such a great kid?
What a big boy! I always hate taking them to get shots! I am glad you saw a good Christmas show. Maybe we will have to make time for that next year! Merry Christmas to you guys and I hope you have a great holiday!!
Okay...I am ready to see some pics of your little Chase on Christmas. He is so cute. I just love his big eyes!
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