Chase is 8 1/2 months old and as spoiled as an can be. He loves to play with his toys and stand up all the time. He is walking against the couch and any table that he can lift him self up on. This has proven for a lot of goose eggs now as he is still getting his balance. We have moved the tables out of the way, but he seems to still find ways to bonk his head. He follows us all around the house now and is like lightening when he crawls. The other day I ran to the restroom and by the time I got back he had taken all the wipes out of the package....what can I say...he is all boy! He loves music and his favorite show is the Backyardigans, and I have to admit it is one of my favorites too. We love the singing and he dances and claps when watching the show. It is just amazing to me how fast he is growing up. He just makes Chris and I smile with all the little things that he does. He definitely loves music! When we sing the hymns at church Chase always stands right up and begins bouncing and joins in with his loud squawks. Once the song is over he will sit back down and read his books, so I can only think that he seems to think that he is joining in the song. Again, another proud mommy moment! Like I said he is one spoiled baby, and is loved by so many. His Aunt Melissa and Grami Cami (CC) are always buying him new books and he just sits down and enjoys looking at them. His favorite are the touch and feel books and it amazes me that he always knows where to touch. Alright, well there is my blog on Chase (What can I say he is the best thing that has happened to Chris and there is always new news to share on him.)
Chases new toy....Thanks Grandma!
Oh my gosh! Chase looks like a little man in the first picture! He will be walking soon I just know it! He is such a good boy, I hope I have one just like him :)
Cute pics.... is he feeling better?
wow! I seriously cant believe he is already 8 1/2 months. That flew!!! He's the cutest little guy ever though!
Thanks for the up date it makes my day. I miss so much of his life. I am glad he likes his new toy
yeah, Chase is a cutie Jenn, really fun to be able to see so many pics of him!
He is so dang cute! I do think that he will walking soon and that is way early!!!
He is so cute. I love when they start standing. It is so fun to see them start walking around things and then just take off. Fun stuff--thanks for sharing.
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