Friday, April 11, 2008

More Pics...

Here were the other pics of Chase that I wanted to post for his 9 month post, but did not have the camera. As you can see Chase is curious about everything One day Chris and I were in the bedroom and I could hear Chase just giggeling. I was wondering what he thought was so funny. Well....we walked into the bathroom and this is what we saw. The first pic isn't the greatest, but it sums up how happy he was in the bathroom just pulling that toilet paper off the roll! And of course here he is in the laundry. I usually try to fold it when he is taking a nap, but on the particular day decided I would do it while e watched Baby Einstien. I guess the laundry was a lot more interesting.


The Morgan Family! said...

hes so freakin cute!!I miss him so much!!hopefully soon i'll be able to see him!

Anonymous said...

Ok now you know why I was a slob think Chase x 5. Ok maybe not I am just a slob, but you can't work with a baby awake....I want to see my baby I can't wait until Aug...

Michele said...

I cant believe how big he is getting! He is so dang cute!

Sara said...

That is so cute... though now I find it frustrating! SOme things they never get sick of doing!

amy said...

Love Boobers in the background just sleeping away. You can make a cute scrapbooking page out of these pictures. I have a quote in Ry's scrapbook for this kind of stuff that says " if you obey all the rules,you will miss all the fun."

Opp Family said...

How funny! I can totally relate to the laundry scenario.

Lani said...

Oh dear. Your house is going to have to be on lockdown to keep him out of things. :-)

steph said...

When I see all the stuff Chase is up to it is a flashback for me because Bryce was doing all of this stuff (and still is with the toilet paper) not too long ago! Isn't it just the best!! Chase is soooo cute!

Jess Perry said...

Oh my goodnes...don't you just love it how one day they are into everything. I don't know what it is with kids and toilet paper though...they love it. Forget toys, I am just buying Bryn toilet paper from now on.

tatum said...

ethan is into the toilet paper too, what is up with that, you can never get too mad becuase they give you that smile like he's doing with that laundry and you cave, thanks for hanging out the other day.