On Saturday we took Chase over to Baby Animal Day at Thanksgiving Point. It was a little windy, but all the baby animals were out just the same and so cute! I do not know who liked it more....me or Chase! He was super cute though, as we walked around he would just stare down the animals and then clap his hands. All in all it was a lot of fun. I think next year we will just get there earlier so we miss the rush. After that we headed to Burger King and has some lunch! It was a great family day and we had a good time!
(Also on another note, Friday I took Chase to the Living Aquarium off of 106th. I was very unhappy with the experience there and would not recommend that anyone go because I feel as if it were a waste of money. We paid $8 to see 2 rooms of fish. Chase gets more excited when I take him to Cabellas! I did ask for a refund, but they said, "No can do...." So the only think I can do now is tell you all to not waste your money! :)
Chase Trying to Pet the Minature Horse