Well this past month has been crazy and I have not had given the weekly updates like I usually would. I decided because I have not been so great that I would just recap the month of Decemeber of our cute little guy! I feel as if Chase has grown and changed so much this past month. He turned 6 months old and I feel that has unlocked the gate for him to be mobile. He is now crawling all around the house and getting whereever he needs to go. I have to admit it is very cute when you see him coming your way, but it seems like there is so many things for him to hit his little head on. Seems like I will have to get rid of the coffee table, entertainment center, paino....JK! We just have to keep an extra eye on him. Everytime I look over he is trying to pull himself up on the coffee table. I let him know that he should just enjoy this time of crawling. We had a great month and flew to FL again for Christmas he was great on the plane and got lots of love from everyone. His favortie treat now is bananna puffs and he loved shoulders rides from his Uncle Josh and Matt. Everytime they put them on his shoulders he would just pat their heads and giggle. It was a great month and we can hardly believe that he will be 7 months old soon. They grow up so fast that you just have to take in every moment that you spend with them.
Chases favorite things at 6 months old: Reading, Singing, Eating his favorite treat, the gerber puffs, Rolling, and now crawling. He also loves his sippy cup with the straw in it.
Dislikes: Baby Food (he would rather have our food mashed up, the doctor says, "Do you blame him")...we will keep trying, changing his diaper (he tries to roll away from you), Cleaning his nose
Uncle Josh giving Chase one of his many shoulder rides.
Now its Uncle Matts turn.
Chase loved hanging out with his Aunts
Chase trying on Daddys hat.
What a big boy! That is great he is crawling. The best thing is to steam your own food. They like that so much better than baby food. Try squash, sweet potatoes and peas. Gibby's favorites.
I can't believe how advanced he is! He is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to see y'all when I'm out next week!
Jen thank you for the pic's . I am so far away but yet so close thanks to you... I miss you sll so much.....
That's so cute now that he's crawling. Cute but now's the time for trouble. They get in to everything when they're mobile. Good luck!
Wow, 6 months already!!! Where has the time gone. Um, just so you know, he's more mobile than Holden. He still hasn't mastered crawling...the army crawl, yes.
Wow, I can't believe he is crawling.
I am glad Brecon isn't there yet. He is 18 lbs like your guy, can sit up and roll, but is not crawling! Watch out because he will be one of those early walkers and getting into everything if he isn't already. It is exciting to see all the new developmental milestones that they accomplish. I hope all is well with your family and Chase is so adorable.
Hi Jen! Chase is so cute and he is getting so big....already crawling! This is my favorite baby stage....about 6-9 months. It sounds like you had a great Christmas and are have started off the new year right!
Hey Jen!
I love his eyes! Adorable! I also can't believe he is crawling...that's early... right? But we need to get together more, since we live so close!! See ya Sunday!
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