Halloween was fun this year! We just relaxed at home had some soups and answered the doors to all the trick or treaters. During the day we stopped at both my work and Chris work. All the kids came into Chris work and there were the cutest costumes. Chris and I always try to think of costumes the night before and then end up not dressing up at all....That will change! I am going to put on my thinking cap and it the sales! (Well we will see....) Here are some pics below from the big events.
Chase and Aunt Melissa
Visiting Daddy at work!
Chase got a little warm so we took his ears off!
Rylee came over to visit! What a cute cat and dog!
Rylee got a hold of the camera and was taking random pic. I thought this was a cute one of her!
Love the pictures, expecially of Rylee and Chase. They are too cute!!
Love all the pics. I warned you there would be some random ones, but they make for a good laugh. I am glad I got to come up and see you and Chase. He was the cutest puppy dog!
He is so adorable! I love his little ghost hat.
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