We finally all got together this summer for a BBQ! (Thanks to Nalani and Jed!) It was great to see everyone and to have some good food! Here are some pics from our fun Saturday evening!
The boys hanging out and talking!
Nalani, Lani, and Payton!
Chase wishes he could have some food, but he will have to settle with just listening to us all talk!
Aunt Melissa and Chase!
Watching everyone eat can be tiring!
(First BBQ!)
Chris took Rylee on a motorcycle ride! She loved it and wanted to go again, and again!
I just left a comment for Amy about what a cute pic that is of Chris and Rylee
I love the cleavage shot of Nalani! I was laughing hard. I am sorry I missed it looked like a great time. That Chase is a doll. We need a playdate soon.
That is not Nalani... that is me! I noticed the same cleavage(the only time I have ever had it)and not sure that everyone that looks at Jen's blog needs to see it!
Maybe if their were single guys that looked at this thing,but there aren't any!
I just told Amy that I didn't know if that was a compliment or a diss that Julie thought her cleavage was mine! I'll go with compliment!
diss on you Nalani...You just shrunk a cup size(or two)!
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