Chase had his 2 month appointment yesterday! Wow has time flown, I cannot believe he has already been with us for 2 months! He did such a good job and was brave with the 4 shots that he got! OUCH! I felt so bad for him lying there on the table holding his legs. (Not what a mom wants to do.) Needless to say he got a lot of extra cuddle time with mom last night!
Weight- 13 lb 7 oz - 85 % Centile
Length- 24 inches- 88% Centile
Tomorrow Chase will be 9 weeks old so I have gone ahead and included some of the pics from this last week. He has had lots of daddy time when Chris gets home. Chase loves spending time with him and Chris can get a quick smile, and what I like to think is a laugh. I have also started back to work about 2 weeks ago. I work a lot from home, but go into the office from time to time. They are great and let me bring Chase with me...I don't know how much work gets done when he is there because everyone loves to come and play with him and hold him. He is so great though and does such a good job when I take him! Chase continues to get stronger and stronger every day and is begininng to hold his head better and his body up during tummy time. The doctor said he is progessing well, and is right on track.
Here is Chase at work. We take his boppy tummy pad and swing! Usually he has nap time while I am there, so it works out perfect to get a couple of hours in at the office. As you can see Aunt Melissa is hard at work. Amy and her take turns hold him!
He is growing too fast... lets stunt his growth!!
Yes please stunt his growth until I see him again...He is way to cute ...
Ok I love the pic of him on your desk! And on the scale at the doctor. He is such a handsome boy.
Hey!! I saw your blog on Amy's and had to check it out. Your baby is SO adorable!! I'm glad you guys are doing good!!
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