3 Years Ago.....One of the best things ever happened to me, I became a MOM! Not only did I become a mom, but I became a mom to the sweetest, cutest, most precious guy I know. Really...I am not just saying these things to say them, they are true. I can honestly say that I have been blessed over and over since the day that Chase Victor Cameron entered our lives! He has truly made me want to be a better person, friend, wife, and most of all mom. I never knew someone so young could make me want to be so much more....Hey aren't I the teacher? Honestly I cannot imagine a day without this little guy. I love that every morning when he wakes up (which is way to early) he climbs into the bed with me and tells me that he loves me. That is probably the best wake up call ever! I love that as soon as he tells me he loves me and gives me a kiss on the nose that he runs into Grants room (Once he hears that he is awake) and hops in the crib with him and plays with him, and I can hear his sweet little voice tell Grant that he loves him. It is so cute to hear the two of them already giggle and talk to each other and I just know that are going to be the best of friends. BROTHERS! I am already so excited for the adventures that these two will go on! Since it is my little guys BIG BIRTHDAY TODAY, I think I will just make a list of things I love about him. I know that I can go on, and on.....But hey this is my blog, my memories, and things I hope that he will read one day so that he knows how much his mommy loves him!
Promise I will stop before too long, but I will just put the most important things. :)
Promise I will stop before too long, but I will just put the most important things. :)
- I love his prayers. They are so sweet and innocent, and I love that he feel the freedom to pray about anything. (Today for his example was that he would get to ride his bike outside)
- He is so sweet and sensitive. I honestly do not think they get any sweeter than this. He is constantly telling me how much he loves me and giving me hugs and kisses.
- I love that he wants to make us so happy! He really is a little pleaser and does not like to get in trouble. One day while I was in the shower I guess he had gotten into the milk to pour himself a glass of course. Well he came into the bathroom and said, "Mom I went to get me some milk, and I spilled it, but I cleaned it up and already went to time out. Sure enough when I got into the kitchen towels were laid out everywhere and the floor had been cleaned.
- I think it is so cute that he loves to clean. He always if offering to help clean things around the house and LOVES to vacuum and dust. And tries to make his bed of course, that will take some time to perfect!
- I love that he loves hanging out with "friends" He is such a social little guy and would love to be outside all day if he could playing with the kids on the street. He seriously sometimes waits at the window just so he can tell me when he sees the first kids head out of there house. He really is a good friends, and plays so nice with all the kids!
- I love how much he loves music, and how great of rhythm he already has at only 3 years old. He can tap his feet to the rhythm of just about any song that comes on and is always asking meto turn up the music and play it louder. He is constantly walking around the house either singing or humming. Most times is is, Follow the Prophet, or a song from the Squequel (The Chipmunks)
- I think it is so cute how excited he gets when Chris comes home. As soon as he hears the garage door opening he races to the door screaming, "My Daddy is Home!" He is always so excited to tell Chris about his day and cannot wait to hug and wrestle with him. These two have such a special relationship and I know that it will only get stronger with time. I just love it!
- I love the Chase also wants to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Chris is doing. I know that it is a boy thing, but nothing is cuter that a boy following there dad around and wanting to be just like them weather it be fixing something, mowing the lawn ,or just watching TV with there feet up!
- I think that it is so cute and funny that Chase can say "S", but just not at the beginning of a word. It makes some of the things that he says so cute and so funny!
- I love that he can eat a half bucket of a large pop corn when he goes to the movies. He is like a bottomless pit when it comes to pop corn, and fruit snacks!
- I love that he carries his little phone and chap stick with him in his poackets all the time and has numerous conversations through out the day with Chris Aunt Melissa, and Grami Cami!
I really could go on and on about how this little guy makes me so happy! He truly loves life and makes everyone around him so happy!I am just glad that he was sent to Chris and I and that he is such a good example to us!
We Love You!
We Love You!

Can't beleive he's already 3. This was such a sweet post and I loved reading it. Little boys are the best!
Sniffle. Sniffle. Such a sweet post. Such a sweet little stud. :) Happy Birthday Chase!
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