Well watch out because I as am sure this is picture overload, but this past weekend we celebrated the boys birthday by having a "Big Top Carnival" party! I had tons of fun planning it and since the boys birthdays are so close together we decided to combine the big event. Chase turned 3 on the 8th, and Grant will be 1 on the 30th. With all the rain I was nervous that we may get a little but we had pretty good weather other than the dang Traverse Mountain winds that caused a few problems with decorating, but in the end it all worked out. Of course there are things that I would have done differently, but hey I am no party planner and am excited with all the fun things we had. We had a cotton candy machine, pop corn machine, bounce house, and LOTS of candy!
It was a great day and I just hope my boys loved it! I know I had a good time!
Happy Birthday to Our Little Clowns!
Happy Birthday to my little guys! I know Chris says they will never remember this, but I think I took enough pics to help them remember what a fun little bash it was!
STEP RIGHT UP....Because this is going to be a long one!
When the kids walked in they all got goodies bags to fill with tickets for all of the fun games to play!

(BBQ Pork Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Salads, Nachos, Chips, Cotton Candy, Pop Corn, and LOTS of Candy)

CUPCAKES....I had so much fun making them!

My favorite cupcakes that we made were the snow cones cupcakes and the pop corn cupcakes...I was so excited about how they turned out!

Table Center Pieces....No table clothes, thanks to the wind! (Boo!)



and well....Just LOTS of junk food! What else do you expect from a carnival!

Grandaddy (Zippy), Grant, and Grandma

Grandaddy and Ry

Took a few minutes for Chase to warm up to Zippy!


And Grant spent most of his party EATING....Shocker!

Some of our guest....
Sweet Sadie Jane

Etta and her first time having cotton candy! (Look at that smile)

These 2 have become quite the friends and LOVE hanging out!
Jack and Chase

Mason and Grant

Grandaddy, Dana, and Chris

Chases FAVORITE girl! (Chase and Ava)

Time to sing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the wind kept blowing the candles out, but we sang just the same and I think Chase still tried to blow "light" out.

How can you resist that face?.....

Or this one, for that matter!
(This boy LOVES his food)

Our Little Family!

So much to do, but I am going to sit and and enjoy this cupcake!
Silly Aunt Melissa even got into the carnival spirit!

It really was a great party and I am just so glad that I have 2 little boys that I could throw a cute party like this for! I know I have said it over and over, but I am just so blessed that they were sent to us. Although some days they drive me crazy, the happiness TOTALLY out weighs all the silly days that I want to pull my hair out! They do and say the cutest things and know how to put and instant smile on my face and I only hope that I do the same for them!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boys!
(Thanks to everyone for all of your help....Not only do I have great kids, and husband, but great friends and family who were willing to help me pull this off....I am truly blessed!)