Well as everyone elses blogs....this is going to be a long post. What a wonderful Christmas season we had. I have to admit I have been dreaming of a White Christmas since I was a little girl and was so excited that I had my first this year. When I wished for it I did not think we would be shoveling snow for an hour to dig cars out, but the magic of it on Christmas morning was just the same. Quite different from the 80 degree weather I grew up with in Florida. Well I will just get to the pics and tell our story of Christmas this year as we go! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
On Christmas Eve Chris and Ben headed to pick Jenny and Brad up from the airport. They thought it would be a lot of fun to get dressed up for this event.
As you can see Chase loves being on the drums....

Chase and Mommy taking a break from shoveling and making snow angels....ok really we just pushed him in the snow and he landed perfectly. I on the other hand was really making snow angels....Such a kid at heart!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. It has been a great year and we are so grateful for all that we have been blessed with. It seems that this year has brought trials for many with the economic situations that are looming about it, but I am just so grateful for my little family and the support we receive from each other everyday. We look forward to this new year and watching Chase continue to grow and amaze us everyday. He is such a little blessing in our lives and brings lots of smiles and hugs. We are also very excited about the new addition that will be coming to our family and cannot wait for this new little one to get here already. Hey what can I say 9 months goes by very slow, until we get to the end of the year and you loo back at how fast it really went. We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that this year is full of happiness and joy for all!
Hey Jenn, can you give me your address? Or text it to me? 801-735-5733
merry christmas
Thanks for the post I miss you all so very much......Congrats on the new little one on the way.....
Thanks for the post I miss you all so very much......Congrats on the new little one on the way.....
Im glad you guys had fun!!I wish i could have been there! Its about time you said something on here about you being prego!!!love it!!I cant wait!!
Sounds like you had just the most wonderful Christmas ever! Congratulations again on the new addition. Happy New Year!
I can't stop laughing at the picture of Chris and Ben in the airport. Look at everyone's faces just staring at them. Classic! By the way, Merry Christmas. Glad you had such a great one!
Glad you had a merry christmas, and you enjoyed all that snow. Congrats on number two too!
I love the pic of Ben and Chris at the airport. I would have loved to see the reactions they were getting.
Congrates on the new one!!! I had no idea. Sounds like you had a greaat holiday. Happy New Year
I'm glad you had a great Christmas. I love that picture of Ben and Chris---too funny!
I forgot to say congrats on the new addition!
Congrats! When are you due? That is so exciting...what an amazing year!
Sounds like a lovely Christmas. Congrats on the new addition!!!
Wow what a way to let everyone know...I had to read it a couple times. Congratulations!
It was fun seeing you guys and congrats on being pregnant. Email me that diet when you get it. I would love to possibly try it.
very very cute!!!!!! i wish i could have gone with you, my christmas wasn't that fun. =) call me sometime.
Merry Christmas! Wasn't that snow CRAZY?! How are you feeling? How far along again?
MERRY CHRISTMAS Jen! Sorry this is late! Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card!! I never got around to sending them this year. I hear your expecting! YAH!!! Congrats! I LOVE your blog, so cute. You guys look great! : )
I was waiting for your "big announcement"! I haven't seen it on your blog or myfamily! Congrats! :) Could chase be any cuter in his little plaid Christmas PJ's? Adorable! And I love that Santa,..quirky elf socks and all! :)
I did it Jen...I updated and I am back. Cute pics from Christmas. Glad you had a good one and it was fun to see you and spend a little bit of the new year with you!
Holy cow! Chase is all grown up! Ok, maybe not grown up, but so big!!
Chase is so adorable and getting so big. So glad you added me to your blog.
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