Chase turned 18 months old yesterday and I can hardly believe how the time has flown! He is such a big boy now and is growing so fast! The doctor only had good things to say and said he was right on track... He actually said he was one of the most mild tempered 18 months old that he has had in there, which means Chase must have been on his best behavior! He did a great job with his shots although, the nurse scratched up his leg quite a bit. His leg is pretty swollen now, but Chase is happy as happy as can be so it must not feel as bad as it looks.
Weight- 24 lbs -37 %tile
Height- 34 inches- 91 %tile
Chewing on his fruit snacks after his shots!

Since this is my little Chase post I just have to brag about all the cute things that he is doing lately. He is really starting to use more words and get his little vocabulary going. Once again alot of those are just things that a mom would understand, but I love hearing his little voice and nothing can make me smile more every morning than hearing his little voice call my name from his crib. He is such a sweet little guys and has always been a cuddler from the the day he was born. I love how he will come up and just grab my legs and give little hugs, and how he will just douse me with kisses. He has just been quite the little blessing in our lives and has made our lives more full, and lots more fun!
I have not taken lots of pics latley.....I guess you can say I have been kinda lazy! But here are just a few pics of the sweetest little guy that consumes my life!
Chris got Chase these froggy slippers when he was in Vegas! Chase loves them!
Chase found this model motorcycle in our game room and loves to just ride it around the house! It cracks me up because it is WAY to small for him to ride, I guess like DAD like SON!
Chase loves to play rockband with Chris! We just think it is so funny when he gets down there and starts jamming with Daddy! He also loves watching football with us and anytime he sees it on the TV will go and grab his football and scream "BUT-BALL" which is usually followed with him throwing his hands in the air and then screaming "TUT-DOW"
Chewing on his fruit snacks after his shots!
Since this is my little Chase post I just have to brag about all the cute things that he is doing lately. He is really starting to use more words and get his little vocabulary going. Once again alot of those are just things that a mom would understand, but I love hearing his little voice and nothing can make me smile more every morning than hearing his little voice call my name from his crib. He is such a sweet little guys and has always been a cuddler from the the day he was born. I love how he will come up and just grab my legs and give little hugs, and how he will just douse me with kisses. He has just been quite the little blessing in our lives and has made our lives more full, and lots more fun!
I have not taken lots of pics latley.....I guess you can say I have been kinda lazy! But here are just a few pics of the sweetest little guy that consumes my life!
Chris got Chase these froggy slippers when he was in Vegas! Chase loves them!
Thanks for the update! I miss you all so much.......:(
hes so freakin cute!!I miss him soo much!!
How stinkin' cute are those frog slippers? Jen, he is too cute! I'm glad he is such a loving little boy, I jsut want to squeeze his guts everytime I see him :)
He is growing up so fast. Before you know it, he will be out riding around on motorcycle with Chris. Love that little guy!!
I can't believe he is already 18 months! You are so lucky that he likes nursery. I can only hope that Tyler will do that. And that video is adorable!
I love that he says butball and tutdow! Adorable! And I am super loving your new family pictures. We weren't quite as fortunate with our wiggle worm! ;) Did you get my message the other day?
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