Well Chase was 19 weeks old yesterday. As you can all see from his doctors appointment earlier this week he is growing like a weed. He is such a cutie and Chris and I have so much fun with him. He loves our weekend date nights and is glad that he is included. We always get lots of attention from tables near by...what can I say attracts a lot of attention with all that cuteness! He is just having lots of fun and is super active! I think his favorite game is rolling over when I am not around. I have been trying to catch it on video for weeks now, and the only time he does it is when I leave the room. Silly Boy! Once Chase was feeling better from his shots we decided to have a family night at the Hee Haw farms. We went with Ted and Sara and their family. So we bundled up the baby and strapped him in his little carrier and were off!
The first place we went to had a haunted forest and a corn maze. The guy was a friend of Ted and Sara's so we got in for free. We did not think the "Spooks" were in so we headed off into the haunted forest. It was so funny because Chris kicked open this door and out jumped an hairy monster. Chris jumped and the twins started screaming. It was hard to get them to go through the rest. Chase just sat and watched all the action. It was a lot of fun, we headed to dinner at like 10:30 and the kids were just
The first place we went to had a haunted forest and a corn maze. The guy was a friend of Ted and Sara's so we got in for free. We did not think the "Spooks" were in so we headed off into the haunted forest. It was so funny because Chris kicked open this door and out jumped an hairy monster. Chris jumped and the twins started screaming. It was hard to get them to go through the rest. Chase just sat and watched all the action. It was a lot of fun, we headed to dinner at like 10:30 and the kids were just
Big Family Pic before heading into the maze!
Just a few Ramdon Picks From this Week!
He loves to touch face and will just sit an talk to you and coo while doing it! I love it!
Love these pics!
I can't wait until you get here. I am going to eat that boy up. He is to cute and you are to thin. I love all of you thanks again for the weekley up dates.......
A fun filled week for Chase!
Chase is such a cutie. I wish that he was up the other night when we stopped by. It was also fun to see you.
I love the picture of chase in his old navy hat. Its my favorite thus far. Anyways you have officially been tagged by me. Check my blog to see what it means.
So I must tell you,...Brad and I are silly "parent stuck" and of course thing Noah is the cutest thing on the planet,....However,....Both Brad and I think Chase is an Absolutely ADORABLE baby! Pretty hard to win us over, but Chase has done it! ;) I love the pumpkin patch photo shoot picture! Can't wait to see him again. Hopefully Noah and Chase will interact a bit more this time! ;)
"parent STRUCK" not stuck ;)
Hello Jen,
This is your old friend Adam Phillips from Ricks College. I hope you remember me. Anyway, I found your blog from a mutual friend (Kara) and thought I would say hello. Hope all is well, you and your fam look great!!
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