Sunday, October 28, 2007
What a great week!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Jathan the Vampire!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Trunk or Treat!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I'm in Florida!
To 85 Degree Weather in Florida!
Chase and I flew into Florida yesterday. I was very nervous to see how Chase was going to react for his very first flight, and he did a great job! He slept the whole first flight until we got into Denver, and then played and slept through part of the flight to Florida! I was so happy and releived that it was such a good experience for us! When we got into Florida, Aunt Jan and Michelle were there waiting to see Chase. Needless to say he has been passed around and loved on since we have been here. Here are a few pics f our first day in Florida...I figure I better post them a little at a time! Picking up Jathan from school today. It was crazy hat day and all the kids had to make a hat at home and bring it in. As you can see Michelle and Mike worked hard making this hat. It was so cute, and he was so excited.
After we picked up Jathan we sat on the river and watched the space shuttle go off!
Waiting for the shuttle to go off!
Meeting up with some old friends!
Grandaddy got Chase a high chair/rocking chair and is determoned to have him it in it.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hee Haws and Pumpkin Patch- 19 weeks
The first place we went to had a haunted forest and a corn maze. The guy was a friend of Ted and Sara's so we got in for free. We did not think the "Spooks" were in so we headed off into the haunted forest. It was so funny because Chris kicked open this door and out jumped an hairy monster. Chris jumped and the twins started screaming. It was hard to get them to go through the rest. Chase just sat and watched all the action. It was a lot of fun, we headed to dinner at like 10:30 and the kids were just
Big Family Pic before heading into the maze!
He loves to touch face and will just sit an talk to you and coo while doing it! I love it!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Chase's 4 month apointment
Weight- 16lbs 11 oz- 81th Percentile
Monday, October 8, 2007
Conference Weekend
Saturday, October 6, 2007
My Favorite Boys! (17 Weeks Old)
Chase is just so cute! He loves putting his feet in his mouth, his fingers, and basically anything that is close enough to get in his mouth. He is just one happy baby, and Chris and I could not be happier! He keeps us entertained!
Chases new toy...the excersaucer!