Yep you heard me! Today we had our first snow fall. A little cold front came in and so did the snow. It did not stick....(Thank Goodness,) but by the looks of it I would say we are in for a heavy winter! That is just a guess though,hopefully will get a little more fall weather before winter really hits us.
The picture does no do it justice. It was coming down hard, but did not stick.
Even Boob's put on his sweater! He is not a fan of the cold weather.
The boobs looks so cute. Of course what can I say Chase is cute no matter what he has on ,,,,,, Got to love his eyes
He is getting so big!
Where is the latest Chase update?? Love the pictures!
Where is week 17?
Sorry I am late! Working on it right now!
Ok I am having Chase withdraws. Please help by posting my weekly fix. As you I am addicted to my grandchildren, So can you help a addict.......
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