Our Sweet Chase!

Our usual weekly update. As you can see Chase is the most interesting part of our lives since I never have anything else to report, but he keeps us entertained. This week he has been very interested in his feet. Melissa got him these cute pajamas with monkeys on the feet and all night long he was grabbing his feet tryng to get the little monkeys in his mouth. It was so cute, but before I could get a picture he had a huge blow out. Although I should not laugh it was a bad one and it was all over Chris. I wanted to get a picture of it all, but before I had a chance Chris had changed his clothes. I guess he is not a big fan of poo!

Mommy and Chase

Chase helping Mommy put away the groceries!
(More like watching Mommy put the groceries away!)

I was trying to take a picture of Chase and Boobers gets jeolous sometimes, as you can see he wanted his picture taken too!

Me and Chase go walking in the mornings with our next door neighbor. A little cold front came through so I bundled him up as good as I could. I think he may have been a little too warm!
The layer of clothes went in this order:
1) Onesie and socks
2) Pajamas with feet included
3)Sweat Pants and Hoodie
4) Beanie and Mittens
He looks so big sitting up. He's a cutie.
I love the last shot - he's got beautiful big eyes! He's so adorable - keep the updates coming. Let me know when you all will be here for a visit so I can see the little guy in person.
Boobs always has to be center of attention! I love the picture of Chase in his bumbo seat. Cute smile!
Carolyn shared your blog info with me. I sure am enjoying keeping up with Chase and his family. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work. Roxane
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