Well I am working on playing catch up right now so beware of all the pics and news to come! Not like we have had TONS of BIG events going on, but a few things here and there I thought should make the blog! Well as you can see from the last post Chris had a great motorcycle trip, it is something that he looks forward to every year and I love that he has that time to get away with the boys. The day after he got home though a KIDNEY STONE hit...No Fun! Poor Chris was the most sick I have ever seen him so we headed to the ER to see what they could do to relieve the pain. They did let us know it was a bigger stone which gave an idea of why it was so painful. For 2 weeks after the first attack we waited and waited for it to pass, and Chris just waited to see when he would feel that horrible pain again. With 2 ER visits and lots of pain medication it finally passed this Friday. No more waiting... Chris was very excited to be done with this ordeal. Just a few pics of this little thing that caused so much pain. It was about the size of a Nerd (You know the candy) And it mostly causes pain when going through the ureter which is like the size of dental floss. I am sure you all love all the fun descriptions! Needless to say we are very happy that Chris is done and will not have to worry about this while we are in Hawaii!
On Friday night we headed over to SUNDANCE and watched, A Mid Summers Night Dream under the stars. Although it was very hard to understand we enjoyed the company and stayed until half time and then headed for home. The best part of the play was again, the company and snacking on Jed and Nalani's, and Meredith and Cody's candy apples from that Rocky Mountain Candy shop! Too Good! I have been craving it ever since.
Cody and Meredith
Nalani and Jed
With the stones gone and life back to normal without having to worry about it hitting at any given time, Chris decided to hike Mt. Nebo with his brother Ted, and Colby and Shelby. It was about a 9 1/2 mile hike and had a lot of vertical inclines. Chris said it was a tough one with a few sketchy areas with loose rocks, but was so happy when they got to the top and had the PERFECT VIEW. They were so proud of the kids and what they had done. I wish I could have been there, but also knowing that I do not do well with heights and vertical inclines it was probably best that I did not hit the trail and I think the kids would have embarrassed me with how well they did. Way to go guys, you did GREAT!
Colby, Ted, Shelby, and Chris ready to take off to the top of Mt Nebo
They are heading to the peak right behind Chris....look at that incline!As you can see, Chase is enjoying his hair cut. 
Of course Chase is 14 months old and the cutest little guy in the world. He has made me so happy and I just cannot imagine my life without him. I know I have said this about every stage of life, but I am loving this stage. It is crazy because since he turned a year old he has just started mimicking more and more and I cannot help, but laugh. I love that he pretends that he is putting the soap in his hands and will rub his little body and hair down. He is just picking up things so quickly now. He eats with a fork now and thinks he is such a big boy for doing it. He does not want any help with eating his dinner. He has also learned to climb up on all the couches and chairs. He is a very persistent little one and will continue to do something until he gets it down. It is so funny to watch him...he gets so mad when he cannot do it and will look at me to figure out what he is doing wrong. It is just amazing to Chris and I how far up he can get that little leg. Kids and there flexibility is amazing! He is just such a cutie and the best time of the day is waking up to his cute little smile and knowing that he is so excited to see me....Really I do not know what could be better! I love his smiles, his little prayers, his 24/7 talking, watching him at the pool splashing in the water, and just that he is such a cuddlier. (Here you go mom! I hope this gets you even more excited to see him in Hawaii)
Chase had his girlfriend Payton come over one day and they had a great time. Lani and I could not resist to get footage of there dance moves
My little cuddle bug! I woke him up from his nap and then we both fell back asleep! I love that he loves to cuddle and I take it all in while I can.
Happy Birthday Vic! We love you!
The Grandkids with Grandpa and Grandma
I think it is so cute that Chase loved getting his hair cut! What a cute kid you have. I just love him to pieces. I can't wait to see how he likes the beaches in Hawaii :)
Fun update! I can see that Chase and Payton got their dance moves from their moms!!! Could you please take that picture of me off this post---it's horrible!!!!
I love the haircut! He is such a handsome boy. That kidney stone looks awful! That's what they look like huh? I hope I never have to pass one of those things.
Lots of catching up to do. Fun post. I love that little video of them dancing. I told Craig that you had that video and he's been checking your blog every day to see if was there or not. I was bummed to see that the pink swim diaper pictures didn't make the blog. Did Chris veto those from being posted? :-)
tell Chris that Brian can relate to his pain. Brian has had so many kidney stones he ended up having lipotripsey(I think that's what it's called) done last year to break them up so he could pass them in smaller bits. They suck from what I've seen... I hope Chris never has another one!
Thanks so much for the invite. I will really enjoy keeping in touch with you in the blooger world and having a Traverse connection. Looks like you guys are keeping busy and having fun as always. We are missing you guys as neighbors.
i love this new background, very cool. i had fun seeing you guys the other day. and the pictures are awesome, except the kidney stone one. =) call me soon, we should play, cole is in school in the mornings so if you want to have a baby playdate then he goes m-th. call me.
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