Today is Chases first birthday! I can hardly believe that a year has come and gone and that my baby is turning into a little boy. It is a bitter sweet moment, and I am kinda embarrassed to say that I have shed a little tear over it. This year has been an incredible year for me. Being a mom is so much more than I ever imagined and I am so grateful everyday that I was blessed with such a sweet little guy. He is always on the move and is so curious and into everything he can get his hands on. Yesterday we celebrated his first birthday with a little birthday bash! It was a lot of fun and a crazy day to say the least. The idea of his whole party was, "Splish, Splash it is Chases first birthday bash!" We bought baby pools and a beach ball sprinkler and were excited for a fun little BBQ in the backyard while watching the kids play in the water. Well...the weather had a different idea. I can hardly believe that were are still in the 60's in June and that rain was in the forecast. I was a little bummed by the weather, but everyone showed up and it was still a success. Thanks to all of our friends and family who came to support Chase in this big milestone in his life. It is so good to know there are so many people who love and care about him, and have been here to watch him grow up this first year. Here is just some fun information about our little guy at his first year.
Favorite Foods: Any type of fruit....If he sees fruit you better get it to him ASAP or you are going to here a little screech. Green Beans, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots. To be honest he will pretty much eat anything.
Foods he Dislikes: Tomatoes (I wonder where he got that from) Avocado, It is crazy because he would eat both of these foods up when I first started feeding it to him and now throws it on the floor if it is on the menu.
Favorite Foods: Any type of fruit....If he sees fruit you better get it to him ASAP or you are going to here a little screech. Green Beans, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots. To be honest he will pretty much eat anything.
Foods he Dislikes: Tomatoes (I wonder where he got that from) Avocado, It is crazy because he would eat both of these foods up when I first started feeding it to him and now throws it on the floor if it is on the menu.
Favorite Item: Soft Blankets. It doesn't matter what blanket it is, but if it has silk and that other soft material he is going to run off with it. He will not go to sleep without his silk soft blanket.
Chases Birthday Cup Cakes! (Thanks Tatum, they turned out perfect!)
Here is how we had the tables set up inside. Then at the last minute we put them back outside...
Chris manning the grill!
The Birthday Boy opening all of his gifts.....(So spoiled and a little overwhelmed!)
Chases new ride....I think all the kids loved present time!Zippity-Yeah- and Heidi-Ho....The Birthday Song!
Time to dig into his cupcake! He was a little timid at first, but finished every bite! Mommy and Daddy and the Birthday Boy!
Clean up time....Chase could not give up the thought of no more cupcake so as the crumbs washed off he was fishing for more.....
I could post TONS more pics! Thanks to everyone who came to support us on Chases big day! We are so lucky to have great friends and family!
Just a little flashback of out little guy on the day he came to us!
It's hard to believe he's already a year old. It looks like fun was had by all especially the birthday boy. Give him lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
Happy Birthday Chase. It looks like you had a great day. he is such a cute littke boy.
I'm so happy that his party turned out great. He's a lucky little dude to have you and Chris as parents.
I cant believe how fast this year has gone by. Chase is such a cute kid. Dont worry I still cry at every birthday, and the first day of school too!!
Happy Birthday Little guy!! The time goes by way to fast. I can't believe he is one!
He is so adorable. I cannot believe he is a year old now! Time flies! He is getting more handsome everyday! Looks like you all had a great day! Happy birthday little guy!
Happy birthday Chase! I can't believe it's been a year. He's getting cuter all the time.
I can't believe it has been a year he is growing so fast. Happy Birthday Chase! I wish I could have been their it sounds like you guys had a good time.
Looks like we missed out on tons of fun. Sorry we couldn't make it.
Happy Birthday Chase!
ha ha, that is so funny in the bathtub, he's such a funny little guy. i think they party was a hit, my kids had a ton of too. i'm glad you liked the cupcakes, i need the practice. it's so sad that they have to grow up but i know you will love this next year even more. i promise.
Thanks for having us at Chase's party. Jack had a meltdown when we had to leave. The whole way home he was crying and saying "I want to go to Chase's party one more time"! I think it is safe to say it was a great party. Chase is a lucky guy to have parents thats love him so much. He is a doll.
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