Cash and Ry
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What a Weekend!
Cash and Ry
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh my Heck!
Wow...Looking good!
This shot I just thought was cute of Boobers trying to figure out how to get back in the house.
Monday, June 9, 2008
One Year Old Appointment & Seven Peaks
The sad part of the day of course was the shots. The shock that came to me was the fact that 2 of the shots had to go in his arm. For the most part Chase has always been very good when he was gotten shots and would wimper, but as soon as I picked him up he would be ok. Today was a different story. I had to hold his arms and they give him three shots at the same time, 2 in the arm and one in the leg. As soon as he got them, his back curled up and he did a shiver and started screaming. I thought with me holding him he would get better, but he cried for almost 10 minutes. It made me feel so bad just for the simple fact that he has never reacted that way before, and that I could tell he was in pain. Poor guy... Afterward we went to Target and Walmart and he seemed to be feeling better and even got a little smoothie as a treat for being such a brave boy!
Height- 31.1 inches (82 percentile%)
Seven Peaks...So Much Fun!
I just love this pic of Payton! So cute!
I just think this video of all the kids splashing around is so voice narrating is not so cute, so just mute and look at the cute kids. :)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Chase!
Favorite Foods: Any type of fruit....If he sees fruit you better get it to him ASAP or you are going to here a little screech. Green Beans, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, and Carrots. To be honest he will pretty much eat anything.
Foods he Dislikes: Tomatoes (I wonder where he got that from) Avocado, It is crazy because he would eat both of these foods up when I first started feeding it to him and now throws it on the floor if it is on the menu.
Chris manning the grill!
The Birthday Boy opening all of his gifts.....(So spoiled and a little overwhelmed!)
Chases new ride....I think all the kids loved present time!Zippity-Yeah- and Heidi-Ho....The Birthday Song!
Time to dig into his cupcake! He was a little timid at first, but finished every bite! Mommy and Daddy and the Birthday Boy!
Clean up time....Chase could not give up the thought of no more cupcake so as the crumbs washed off he was fishing for more.....
I could post TONS more pics! Thanks to everyone who came to support us on Chases big day! We are so lucky to have great friends and family!
Just a little flashback of out little guy on the day he came to us!