Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wild Hogs....Roll Out!

Chris went on his annual bike trip. It is a trip that he looks forward to all year long. This year 13 guys were supposed to go but, at the last minute there was a little bike trouble for some so only 11 ended up going. Each year they go up through WY and hit the Beartooth Rally and then hit scenic areas like Yellow Stone. I cannot give you lots of details since I was not there, but here are some pics of the boys trip this year.Look at all those bikes and testosterone. (Beartooth Pass)

Chris and Ted at one of there many stops!Chris Bike......Sooooo Sexy!
Chris and Justin taking on the Buffalo. It is much closer than the picture shows. :)

Both Chase and I missed Chris TONS while he was on his trip! When Chris got home he needed a nap and so did Chase! How Cute!


Megan said...

Maybe Davey should get a bike and go on a trip like that. How much more testosterone do you need! It looked like fun though, if I were a guy. But I'm not, so I probably wouldn't go. Is Kelly wearing a Dew rag?

Jeff & Melissa said...

Good times... I just looked at all the pics on Andy's site.

nalani said...

No pictures of the broken down bike or the wrecked bike?

amy said...

That's a cute picture of Chris and Chase!

Anonymous said...

Well I am glad Chris is home, safe and sound with no bad things happening. Next year is comming soon. I miss you all