I am getting SO big!
We are having lots of fun with him. He is responding more and more each day and loves to smile. My favorite time with him is in the morning when he has just woken up that is when we have Chase and Mommy time. We have that 24/7 in all reality, but I love how alert he is. He is very talkative and this is when he is the happiest. I love being a mom and I love having him in our lives. I never knew a little one could be such a handful, but we have loved every minute with him and are so excited to see him grow up.
Chase and Mommy Time
Daddy and Chase time! Chase had some gas one day and was fussy. Chris wrapped him in the body pillow and Chase just sat and stared at Chris for 45 minutes completely content. Who knew a body pillow would make him so happy!
He is STILL the cutest kid ever!!
I love the pic's he is getting so big. I am missing out on so much. So you will need to plan for another baby in 2 years. We are comming west as well as Aunt Jan she is ready to make the move with us. We will move far enough away so I will not cramp your style. I will graduate Dec. of 2008 With the papers I need to get a good job out there. So get ready......
Oh yea all my greadchildren are the cutest ever!!!!!!
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