I find it so hard to find the motivation to get on here and blog sometimes. Lame I know...Since I am always telling everyone how they need to blog so I can see pics. Well things have been going well in the Cameron Family. We have had a great summer and I have to admit I am already excited for all the fall activity's to start....What can I say, I love fall! We have been trying to get out and take in the last of the summer weather. Here are some updates on my kiddos!
Grants 2 Month Appointment
On Friday we headed to the doctor for Grants 2 month appointment. I was convinced the little guy would weigh in at about 17 lbs....Was I off! I guess those rolls and chubby tummy can be very deceiving.
Height- 23.25 58 %tile
The doctor said he is right on track and looks great. He was very shocked to hear that Grant likes to roll over already from his stomach to his back and said that it was rare for a baby his age. I told him that Grant seemed to be very strong and the doctor agreed when 2 of them worked on holding him down to check hi ears. (One holding down his arms, one doing the check up) The doctor looked over at me smiled and said, "I am seriously using strength to hold him down..." What can I say, I have strong boys. They get that from there Dad and Grandpa Vic. One thing we have been struggling with Grant on is acid reflux. I was no sure if that is what it was, but the doctor confirmed it when Grant had a little episode with his reflux at the office. I guess I always thought a baby with reflux spit up lots. Grants does not spit up lots, but I guess swallows it when he does, and alot of times when he does spit up it is clear... Poor Guy! They gave him some medicine and we are noticing a difference already! He is such a cute little guy and loves to talk to us all the time and give lots of smiles. I am already so excited for him and Chase to start playing together.
Eating his hands while waiting for the doctor.
"Natty No Neck"
Chase Man....My little Helper!
Chase has been such a great helper since his little brother has come along. He is always willing to grab me diapers, pacifiers, and blankets when I need them and he is constantly wanting to hold his brother and give him kisses. I am so glad that the transition when so smooth for him. He is talking LOTS more and saying the funniest things. The other day I was blow drying my hair. I guess he was at the bottom of the stairs yelling my name. I guess when I did not respond he decided he had to take other measures. Chris ran up the stairs and said do you hear your son? Sure enough he was saying,
"Jen, come here, show you somthing...."
Jen, what happened to mom? By that evening he had called Chris by his first name. You just can't help, but laugh when you hear something like that. He just makes us laugh every day and our silly little boy. He seems to be very obsessed with his sun glasses, flip flops, and hats and when he wakes up puts them on. He then makes his way up stairs to let me know," I'm hunwy" He always rubs his tummy to tell me that he is hungry and by the look in his eyes you would think I am starving him. He is definilty a daddy's boy and loves to do whatever Chris is doing. If Chris is working on his bike, Chase is working on his. If Chris is mowing the lawn, a little shadow follows him. You name it he does it! We just love this little guy and what a great big brother he is.
You may be asking why he is wearing a winter beanie? He just loves hats and was sweating up a storm out there...
So cute! Grant looks so much like Chris and his side of the family, at least I think he does :) I am sure that Grant will be doing tons of stuff early like Chase was. Chase is such a smart boy and I just love him. You have done such a great job raising him, you go Jen!!!
He is so cute! I wish I could have come out and seen you guys. Kiss your boys for me.
What a darling little chunker! He looks so much like his dad (not that he is a chunker... haha). And I love CHase's lawn mower. What a cute little guy he is. He looks so old!
I hate Acid Reflux! We are still dealing with that over here. I hope Grant grows out of it sooner than Cody!
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