Grant is already 8 weeks old and wow has the time flown by! He is the cutest little guy with the chubbiest little cheeks I have ever seen. He is just like his brother and very strong. at 4 weeks old he started rolling over from his tummy to his back. This week he has not been doing it as much and I have to wonder if it because of those little rolls on his body. :)He smiles all the time and does a very good job of holding up his head already. We are so excited that we have these 2 little guys in our lives. Chase has been a great big brother and a great big helper to me. More to come....

Your boys are so cute!
AWE!!!I want to hug and squeeze him!!
I cant wait to get my hands on him!!The first pic. looks like Matt when he was a baby!!too cute!!
Darling, they both look so different. I was looking back at your post when Chase was this old.
Have missed seeing what you are up to glad to see your cutie pie little boys growing up and having fun. Hope to see you soon.
Want to go to the Zoo on Friday?
We are going to be up at the traverse mt house over labor day doing some work. I hope we can sneak over and meet your littlest man before he gets any bigger.
How those cheeks! Can't believe how big Chase is getting seems just like yesterday you had him!
So cute! Are you guys up for maybe lunch sometime?
Oh I love the one of the two boys on the couch. Handsome boys!
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