Well we are back! I had great intentions to try to get on every few days to post a blog, but it just did not happen so beware of the pics that are about to come. What a great time we had...we did so much exploring of that island yet I felt that we could have stayed another week just to take it all in. Chase did such a great job the whole time with being off of his schedule and on our power schedules to get in as much as possible. All in all it was a great trip and I will miss the little island of Kauai. Fasten your seat belts as you all get to take in just a little bit of our trip with us.
Before our helicopter ride on Monday morning we headed over to the pool for a little pool time! Chase loved spending time with Grandaddy and Grandma!

Chase had his eye on a bird and was chasing it everywhere. Then got distracted by the cap :)

Here are just a few pics of the scenary from the helicopter ride....WOW!
Count those waterfalls....1,2,3,4! Just another amazing site!

About a mile and half down the street from us there was a place called blowing horn. So on Tueday morning we headed down to take a look. There was a little flea market to shop at there as well. It was pretty cool to see as the wave hit this big spout of water come up. As you can see by my lame smile I was not prepared for this pic.

Dad at the blowing horn! You were not supposed to go down here by the spot, but you know the boys....."What signs?"

After hitting this site we headed to see Kepu falls. This place was amazing and again one of the hidden treasures of Kauai. You headed down this road and then hiked through guinea grass to get to this spot. Once you got there you had to go over all this lava rock that headed to these amazing set of falls. There was a lot of people there jumping off the falls and a rope swing as well. Alot of the local people would climb up the trees which was a lot higher from even where we jumped. Who needs a gym when you have this place.... So much fun!
Walking through the grass to get to our destination.

Me and Sara watching the boys and there big jumps!

Chris first jump off of Kepu falls. It was about a 20 ft drop.
Here is my dad going off the rope swing. Look how he goes down...I think he was trying to pose for the camera! Too Funny!
Chris and I down at the bottom after jumping off the rope swing.

After Kepu falls the boys headed off for a surf lesson. We did not get any pics, but I would have liked to see it. Chris actually got up and rode a few waves in. I think they had a lot of fun and were pretty tired after the trip to Kepu Falls. Once they got home we just headed to dinner and had some great fresh sea food.
Wednesday we headed to the pool for the early morning hours and then headed to a local spot for lunch One of the things about Kauai that is interesting is that there is chickens and roosters everywhere. I guess a few years ago there was a big storm and all the chickens and hens got loose from the farm they were on. The guy decided it was just a loss since there was no way he was going to be able to get them all back, and did not go and try to collect them so they are EVERYWHERE even the restaurants sometime just running around.
So of course we had to get a picture of that.

After lunch we headed over for our Fern Grato boat tour. It was the same place where we would be attending our Luau that night so it was perfect. They say if you are headed to the Fern Grato and have never been married then you will be when you leave. They always sing the wedding song to you before you leave and you have to kiss the person next to you. How Precious!
Boat ride to the fern grato!

Grandaddy and Chase. See the ferns....

From the fern grato we got ready and headed over to our luau. It was so awesome and I would recommend it to anyone who goes to Kauai. The scenery was perfect, along with the dinner and the show.

Yep, thats dinner!

Grandma, Chase, and Grandaddy....Let's Eat!

Thurday morning Chris and I got up and headed off to the zipline. Chase got to spend the earlier part of the day with just Grandaddy and Gradma. It was LOTS of fun and a fun little date.
Look at those dorks!

After our zipling adventure we headed over to hang out at the Hyatt. Ted and Sara stayed with us at the condo for first five days and then stayed at the Hyatt for a trip that he won. This place is amazing and a tourist site all in itself! This is one of the pools there with sand and all the trimmings. I could sit here all day long!

Me and Sadie Jane living the life! Just relaxing on the hammock with a pina colada. Sadie of course is wrapped in the blanket. This isn't the best pic, but Lani you know any tropical vacation has to have a Pina Colada. :)

After the Hyatt we headed back to our place and got ready to go out to eat. There was a place called the Beachhouse and it had a great view.....So of course we had to get some pics.

Giving our baby kisses!

Well of course Friday was our last day there. So we packed up in the morning and headed over to the Hyatt while mom and dad headed tubing. It was a perfect end to a perfect vacation....other than the fact we almost missed our flight. :)
While packing Chase found a spot on the ground and zonked out I think he was all tuckered out

The view from our room

Chase loved all the parrots just hanging around at the Hyatt

Part of the lazy river at the Hyatt....Heaven!

Even on they way to the airport we were trying to get in the sites. This was Wailula Falls, which was seen in he movie paradise island.

Well there you go! I could keep posting more and more, but this is quite a bit to take in. There was great food, great markets, and great people that we just could not get all in this blog. It was perfect and I only wish we could have stayed a little longer! What a great vacation!