Well we have finally finished our backyard project this year! We tried to get most of it finsished up on Saturday, and Chase was great just hanging out in his littlebaby pool. There are still a few more things we would like to do, but we have really been enjoying the deck already!

All I can say is WOW! You all did a great job!
Looks great! Good job :)
Looks amazing. Time for another BBQ.
It all looks so great. I'm impressed with all your plants and flowers. Good job!
Looks so good. Fun party yard!
Love your your yard, loved your Chase stories. I cant believe how dang cute he is and that he is already 1.
The deck looks great. Looks like you did a great job!
Tell Chris what a great job he did. I am sorry I will not get to see it. I love you kiss Chase for me!!!!!!
It turned out really nice. I bet it feels good to have that finished up. I really like how you added the stars on the house!
I think it looks awesome! I agree ---it's time to have a bbq!!!!
You guys did a great job!! I am jealous--I love your deck.
that just looks awesome Jenn, I bet that was a ton of work, so nice to eat out on the deck and enjoy though! Hope to see you sometime soon.
Wow! Great work. I'll bet you guys are just loving it!
oh it is so awesome, you guys did a great job! i want to come see it in person. what are you doing next week?
It looks wonderful!
WOW! You guys went all out! I love it! The stars are so cute and everything looks perfect! I am jealous! All your hard work paid off!!
Looks great!! I love those stars i have some like that in my room.
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haha Carter wrote the rest to you!
Wow! How awesome - what a great job y'all did!
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