Here I am over 5 weeks old now. I will be 6 weeks on Friday and I am growing like a weed! I try to keep my mommy on her toes by getting her out of bed a few times throughout the night, just so she knows I am thinking of her and that I want to spend some quality time with her. This week has been full of LOTS of events for me. My Aunt Michelle, Uncle Mike and Matt, and cousin Jathan came on Tuesday and I was so excited to meet them. Aunt Shelly spoiled me rotten and held me every chance she got. She even got up with me a few times in the middle of the night so that mommy could get some extra rest, I am sure that my mom loved that!

Grandaddy and Grandma came in on Friday! That was a late night for us all, since mommy and daddy were picking them up from the airport. They did not get home until after midnight, but it was perfect so granddaddy could help with one of my late night feedings. Daddy and the guys got up early on Saturday morning to go see the hand gliders and then we all headed out to Snowbird for fun activities. They went on the Alpine Slide and the he Zip Line and then we all headed up together on the tram. My first time on big mountain.

On Sunday the day was all about me because it was my blessing day! I got all dressed in white and it was perfect. My dad said the most beautiful things about me and gave me a great blessing. Afterwards everyone came over for lunch, which Grandma Coates slaved over! She is the best! We had lots of people there and lots of people donated food as well.

As for me I am growing like a weed and getting bigger every day! I am not sure how much I weigh, but the rolls on my legs and arms shows that am getting lots of yummy food from my mommy! I have started smiling, and will give you smiles if I think you have something funny to share with me. Although I am waking my mom up through the night, I did sleep 5 hours througout the night which is a big accomplishment and mom is so proud. Maybe I will do it more in the future, but I am back to waking up about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours again. Well that is my week update! More to come soon!