Well Chase and Grant got and EARLY birthday gift this year! Grami Cami had been eying a jeep or some type of motorized car for Chase. If anyone knows Chase he is just like every little boy and just like his Daddy....He loves cars, bikes, motorcycles, 4 wheelers.....You name it he wants to drive it! So when Grandma saw this FORD F 150 she couldn't help herself, she just had to get it. We tried to convince her to wait to give it to him for his birthday, but just like all of us she was way to excited and could not wait to see Chase in his new ride.
(I have to admit.....it is SUPER CUTE!)
Can you see the excitement on his face?
His first time driving his new truck!
Can you see the excitement on his face?
Of course Chris is already trying to figure out how to make this thing a little faster!