I love having two little boys! These little guys already have so much fun together, and laugh and play together all the time. I just love to sit and watch Grant watch and eye Chase all the time. You can tell already he wants to be like his older brother and do everything he does. He is still working on his crawling, but wants to stand and actually tries to take steps every chance he gets. I have to keep reminding the little guy that one day he will be able to run just as fast Chase, and maybe out run him....well if he ever gets rid of all those rolls. Here are just random pics of my little guys!
Every morning and after naps Chase loves to crawl into Grants crib with him. It is so cute because I can hear the two just giggling away! They must speak a little bit of the same language!

This is Grant watching Chase in his bed! He just thinks Chase is the funniest guy.

This pic of Chase and his CHEESEY smile just crack me up!

Grant is constantly clapping and waving....I love when he waves because he almost always say, "HAAAAAAA...." Kinda like he says HI! What a smartie!

I have been a little under the weather this past week, and I just LOVE how much Chase wants to help Mommy! He is always offering to do things for me....especially give me kisses to make me feel better! Today he offered to dust, and wiped down all the chairs, but my favorite was when he offered to feed Grant, He said, "I feed Grant Mommy, your leg hurt, go back to sleep..." So of course I had to snap a few shots! I love that he always wants to help me, he really is my BIG HELPER. He get diapers, throws the dirty ones away, after dinner his job is to wipe down the table and chairs and I just think it is so cute to watch him put so much work into wiping one chair. Or in all reality one spot of the chair over and over again. I just love him and all the help that he gives to me! Who knew that my 2 year old would be my second set of hands! Love him!

These are just the cutest little guys!
Stay Tuned for there Pics!