Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4 Month Appointment

I can hardly believe that Grant is 4 months already he is growing so fast, and I can hardly imagine our little family before he arrived. He just completes our family! He is such a smiley, happy little guy, and I can honestly say that I have never been able to get a baby to giggle so easily. He has a a rough run with the acid reflux, but at his 4 month appointment we worked a little bit on how we would give him medicine and hopefully we will solve the problem so our little guy is not in a lot of pain! He loves to grab his feet, laugh and talk, and is working on sitting up. Every chance he gets he is grabbing my cup and trying to bring it to his mouth, and stares like at us whenever we are eating. I think it is almost time for us to try solids with him! He really is a great baby! Here are just a few pics!

4 Months Old

Weight-15.85 lbs 67 % tile
Height- 24 inches- 15.31 %ile

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