Time to play catch up! Here are just a few things going on in the life of the Cameron Family!
Grant is 3 Months OldGrant is already 3 months old! Crazy, I know how fast the time goes by. He is getting stronger every day and is just the cutest little part of our family.
Just a few things that he likes to do:
- Looks at his hands
- Chews his hands
- Tummy time (Lifts himself up great...so strong)
- Is always trying to grab at things. (Especially Chases Lollipops)
- Loves to Jabber and Giggle
- Loves to sit up
- Is sometime sleeping 9 hours through the night, although not consistently
- Rolls over from tummy to back
- Has the best set of lungs on him :)
I cannot get enough of this little guy. He seriously has the most contagious little smile, and shares it all the time.

Utah State FairA few weeks back we headed to the Utah County fair. I have to admit it was one of those very hot days before the cold hit and I have vowed to never go to the fair again during the day. We did have a great time though eating yummy fair food, seeing the animals, and even catching a glimpse at "the tiniest lady alive". Such a great time! I am just hoping that Grant enjoys it more next year since his way of showing enthusiasm there was screaming....and not with joy!

Pumpkin PatchWell just like others we made out way this season to the Pumpkin Patch. I love this particular one because it has pumpkins, tractors, and a little corn maze for the kids! Chase was in heaven. He grabbed his "shopping cart" wheel barrow and we were off in search for the perfect pumpkin for all of us. The next morning was like Christmas when Chase realized we still had the pumpkins from the night before and has talked about the pumpkin patch not stop since. Makes me feel good when he gets so excited about those little things. Maybe we will hit a few more pumpkin patches this season, since he is such a big fan.

Just a few randoms....Chase ManLike I mentioned the kids are growing up so fast. Chase is working on potty training and has pretty much got it down when we are at home. We are on day 3 with no accidents while at home. My goal was to have him potty trained by the time he was 2 1/2. That gave me until Jan to have him trained, but he has done so good on just wanting to go. I have to admit, it has been nice not having to chance a stinky diaper for him for the last week.
He loves to run in there every chance he gets, and makes sure we know he is going potty "like daddy" It is so cute and funny how little boys want to be just like there dads. He wants to do everything that Chris does. He likes to watch football with dad, tries to fix things like Chris, and if Chris is sick, Chase will say he is sick. Silly little boy! He is saying the funniest things now and makes us laugh everyday. A few of the things he is saying lately.- "So delicious!" (Thanks Amy)
- "Whatch" you laughing at!"
- "I so proud of me!" (After he goes potty)
- During any football game he always screams "Go Cougars"
- "Me a football player!" Pretty much anytime he sees this little football around the house
- "Me so funny..."
- "Argghhh, Me a pirate!"
- "Me hunwy!" (Means he is hungry)
- "Mommy, you SO funny" Yeah I get that alot! :)
- After the sacrament song, "This is a great song, mommy!"

There are more, and I just can't think of them, but like many have said I need to write these little things down so I remember. He is just growing like a weed, and thanks to sesame street and super why can count to 10! (Maybe I helped a little) I just love this little guy and am so grateful that he is such a good big brother and Mommy's little helper!
As you can see we are keeping busy and loving life! I will keep updates and post coming! If you got this far....THANKS for reading. :)