Well today was just one of those days! I was trying to get lots done and it seems the littlest things always happen when you are rushing things along. I had my ultrasound appointment at 1:30 today. I wanted Chase to get a good nap so I woke him up right before we were supposed to leave....In my rush to get to the appointment on time I actually passed the exit....No Big Deal! But while getting on the elevator after the ultrasound to go see the doctor my keys fell down the elevator shaft! Arghh! Please someone tell me that has happened to them! Well we called around and no luck in getting them today! Let's hope I have good news in the morning!
Confirmed....it is a healthy baby boy! It was so good to see him in the little ultrasound. He is already so cute to me. I could actually see his little lips which makes me think...no Coates lips for him! Lucky! But that will not be confirmed until birth! We are so excited for him to get here!
Only 4 months to go! Time is flying!
Chase was there with us while looking at the ultrasound and he kept pointing to the monitor calling it a fishy! HHHMMMM! I guess thats what the little guy looked like to him.
Only 4 months to go! Time is flying!
Chase was there with us while looking at the ultrasound and he kept pointing to the monitor calling it a fishy! HHHMMMM! I guess thats what the little guy looked like to him.

Umm... Yah, that is for sure a BOY! No mistaking that! HAHA
Oh fun. Except for the key dropping part. That sucks and how did they fall all the way down the shaft. Some times I wonder about you Jen. Can't wait to see the new little guy. Time really is flying.
oh, i can't believe how fast it's going by too, it seems way fast. can't believe he'll be here soon. can't wait to hold him.
Congrats for sure on the boy! Yipee more boys. Sorry about your keys. I am sure plenty of people have done it! :)
Wow, only 4 months?? If my pregnancies would fly by as fast as yours has seemed to, I might be willing to have another one. :-)
Funny story about the keys. Classic Jen story. And dang happy to hear the confirmation on the boy. Chase's little buddy.
Oh my gosh! I haven't check anyones blogs FOREVER! Congrats on the baby BOY!! (Tad Jealous)...Boys are so fun. Don't get me wrong,...Im thrilled for my girls,..but I just love noah so stinkin' much. Anyways,..just the other day I saw that crack in the elevator and thought "I wonder what would happen if I dropped my keys accidentally down there?" BUMMER it actually happened to you! Good luck getting them back! Where some belly pics?
I love that little Chase thinks he has a fish for a brother! Are you kidding on me on his ultrasound picture? TOTAL BOY! I can't stop laughing...it's literally a 3rd leg ;)
um yes, I think it's A BOY!! So fun!!!!! And by the way I ALMOST dropped my keys down an elevator and my heart seriously almost stopped!!
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