Well all I have to say is.....What a Weekend! We packed it full of fun things everyday and had the best time. Thursday was Chris birthday! I went to his work the day before and decorated his desk and sent donuts for all the guys at work. Needless to say Chris was surprised! He only had to work a half day so we had a birthday lunch with his mom and Chase and then came home to open gifts and relax. His mom watched Chase and we headed off on a bike ride on the Alpine Loop. It was so much fun, and such a nice time of year. After that we headed to dinner and then to the Freedom Fest with friends. Well while all of us were having a good time out to dinner one of Chris best friends while growing up was having there baby! He was born around 9:30 that night and they named him Jaden Steve Wiser. So first thing the next morning we headed to the hospital to see the new little bundle of joy. He is such a cutie and looks a lot like Justin to me. We went to lunch with the Wiser family and then came home to relax a little before we headed off to Nalani and Jed's for a fun little BBQ. It was a lot of fun! They have some land behind there house so Chris had a great time of the ATV and the little dirt bike. Chase even got his first ride on the ATV and seemed to love it! It was a good time and we watched Stadium of Fire from a little overlook. The next mornin Chris headed off on a bike ride with the guys and then met us at Seven Peaks for a day of fun in the sun! It was a lot of fun to have all the guys there and we had a great time. On July 4, we welcomed a new little neice as well, Sadie Jane Cameron. On Sunday we headed up to Nephi to go and visit her and she is such a cutie. It was a weekend of babies, and fun, and although Chris is probably not excited to go back to work, I am excited for a day at home and getting the house organized again.
The spoiled boy opening all his gifts on his birthday!

Chase enjoyed opening his Dad gifts as well!

Jaden Steve Wiser

The boys , and there boys!

Aunt Melissa on the float with Ry and Chase. I think they are hoping Nalani will push them where they want to go.

Horrible pic of me, but a needed family pic!

My new little niece Sadie Jane