Where has the time gone? Is my little guy seriously already 4? Honestly it seems like I just brought him home, and now he is off to preschool and before I know it he will be starting kindergarten. Kinda makes me feel like I am getting old, but I would not change it. This past year has just been full of adventure and fun for both me and my little guys. Chase started preschool, this past year, played lots of sports, and has made lots of new friends. He honestly is a little social butterfly and has little knocks numerous times during the day to see if he can come out and play. If it were up to him he would be outside all day long with his friends playing. He never gets tired of being outside and riding his bike. He loves his little brother and talks about him all the time. They are really becoming the best of buddies and love spending lots of time together. Right now Chase loves pizza, shepards pie, cheeseburgers, and really loves anything that I make with pork. He also LOVES green beans and could eat that for a meal. Honestly Chase is the sweetest little guys, with the best temperament. He is such a little pleaser and just wants to make everyone happy.
There are so many things that Chase is into, but he loves Jake and the Neverland Pirates so we thought to celebrate his birthday pirate style. It was such a fun day centered all around my little guy and I wouldn't have it any other way. Heck, that is what birthdays are all about!Happy Birthday!

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