Well I have got to get back my blogging! I don't know why, but I have been horrible at it latley. So what the heck....Time to catch up! Our little Grant is 16 months old....He is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it. He really is a little chatter box. I don't know if he loves to hear himself talk or just has a lot to say, but he is constantly jabbering. Some words I can pick out, others....well not so much. He just has the cutest little personality and a lot of it. He loves to cuddle and gives hugs, but does not like when Chase is in his face. Chase on the other hand loves his little brother and would kiss on him all the day long if Chase would allow it. But as usual Grant will give his high pitch squeal and will now even push Chase off of him. He is quite or little helper too, he get his own diapers,a nd throws things away, and actually likes to dump things just so he can pick it up. Within the last 2 days he has dumped a box of Captain Brunch, bag of Teddy Grahams and today Cheese Nips. I keep telling Chase he cannot pull those things out and leave them around, but I think they both secretly love the vacuum since I have to pull it out 2 or 3 times a day! Grant is the best sleeper, eater, and napper. He really is just an easy going little guy. He is feisty, but I don't mind it so much, I kinda think that it is cute!He loves to point at everything and has to make comments on it.....The big one he squeals is "GOOK" (look).
Words he is saying: Gook (look), Good, Chase, Momma, Daddy, Boobers, Ma Ba (Blanket), Was dis?(whats this), Was dat (Whats Dat), Yum, Hi, Car, and of course he makes lots of animals noises...barking like a dog, mooing and more! He is just so smart already and catches on to everything so quick. We love him so much and could not imagine like witout his sweet smile and his chuuby little legs!