I always love Christmas Eve. The anticipation and just the feeling of the day is the best. For me it is better than Christmas Day itself. We had a great Christmas Eve with Aunt Melissa, The Udvardy's, Grami Cami, and Uncle Ben! It was honestly a perfect night! We had lots of food, tracked Santa, and sangs songs. Uncle Ben told the story of the Grinch and the kids could not take there eyes off of him. No one could have told the story better than Uncle Ben. Chris then talked about the true meaning of Christmas and we again, listened to the talk given by President Uchtdorf at the Christmas Devotional. The spirit of Christmas could not have been stronger in our little home and I am just grateful that I was able to spend it with so many people that we love and care about.
The spread. Taco Soup and LOTS of snacks! We like food around here!

Chase so excited for Santa....He cannot get here fast enough

Doing what we do best!


Ben telling the story of the Grinch

All the kids in tune to what he is saying....Chase looks like he is questioning what he is saying.

Tracking Santa

Time to Open Christmas Eve Gifts

Jammies...I think that is what everyone gets

Time for our Christmas Eve Songs.....Grandaddy and Grandma joined us

So Fun!

One last letter to Santa

Time for bed!