My little boy is growing up way to fast and this momma does not like it! Well in all actuality I do, but it is so sad to see the baby leave and this little boy take his place. Since baby #2 is on the way I have been super stressed about the transition of our little Chase Man! I am sure every mom goes through this...making sure that they do not feel left out and know that they are still #1 even if there is a #2. So in preparation of baby #2 we got Chase a "Big Boy Bed"....I guess you can say we are too cheap to get another crib. I have been so worried about the transition because not only will Chase move to a big boy bed, but he is moving to another room. (Very scary for this mommy!) So we got him this cute little race car bed, and have started to make this new room all about him and the things he loves! We still have some work to do to get it all done, but I have started having him sleep in his new room for nap time. I have to admit I was very stressed about this transition....In fact the first week in trying to lay him down for naps I laid with him, just so he would be comforted. One thing about my little guy though is he likes his own space and his own bed so I noticed it was hard for him to fall asleep with me in there. So I decided I would just do it....leave him in there and see what he did. I told him I had some things to do upstairs and would come and check on him and that he needed to stay in his bed for nap time, he replied, "Yah," and up the stairs I went. I patiently waited at the top thinking he would come out looking for me. After about 10 minutes I checked on him and there he was reading a book in his bed. (Melted my heart..) Then I proceeded to call Chris to let him know of this accomplishment, by the time I made it back down the stairs he was asleep....and I have done this now for 3 days! He really is such a sweet boy! A great little listener, the best helper in the world, and mommies best pal! Although I know that he depends on me for so much sometimes you just have to give them little wings so they can fly and they will do it! I have not yet had him in his new room for bed time, but I am sure he will do just great, because that is just the kinda little guy he is!
I will take a cute pic with the room is all done!
Now to part 2 of my little one growing up! As you all know, Chris loves cars and motorcycles, and music, and anything to do with sking and snowmobiling, and football...the list could go on. And all I can say is, "Like Father, Like Son...." 2 Weeks ago Chris said he had found a perfect motorcycle for Chase! Yep....remember he is not even 2 yet, but Chris was so excited and off he went to pick it up! Now I have to admit this little bike is a little big and Chase would probably not be able to ride it until he is 8, but loves riding on the bike with Chris just the same. Hey I even took a spin around the block on it and I am over 5 months prego! It is just so fun to watch the two of them go up and down the street and Chase wave at every car that goes by and squeal with excitement.
Chase and his first motorcycle....(AKA-Daddy's New Toy)
Part 3....I know there is SO much so bear with me if you even made it this far. Also in preparation for baby #2 we are getting ready to potty train Chase. I have not started quite yet, and who knows when I will actually get the nerve to do it, but I did pick up some underwear and a little seat for him just to get prepared. Like I mentioned I got the underwear and took them out of the pack to show Chase. They had the Cars characters all over it and he was excited. Well I put them in his room and walked out to go grab something and when I came back and had them on over his pants, with his hat of course! He then wanted to sit on the potty, but with his new car pants on.....All I could do is just giggle! And he wore them around the rest of the day! :) And was proud to show them off to whoever came around!
All I have to say is I love being a Mom! I love his little giggle, and that he is such a big helper. I love his little prayers.....He is always the first to bow his head and fold his arms and his actually quite the example for me! I never knew this stage in life could be so much fun and am so excited to have another little boy to just complete our little family even more!
I will take a cute pic with the room is all done!
Chase and his first motorcycle....(AKA-Daddy's New Toy)
Jen each stage of life is great there is so much excitment. I remember so many of the first with you and it just seems like yesterday and yet it is near 31 years. My heart aches for those days they went so fast, I also understand the feeling of the second one comming I didn't think I could love like I loved you then Came Missy your heart grows as does your family. I now can't believe how much my heart grew when the grandchildren came, who knew I could love so much. I often say my heart smiles each time I see my grandchildren. The sadness comes when you can't be with each one of them. But that is life, so enjoy each moment. I am so proud of you. Thank you for being you!!!
It really is such a bittersweet thing to watch them grow up and become more independent. He is such a cute little dude. ...and I can't believe his bike!
I love the last pic with his underwears.... what a cute little nerd!
This is so sweet Jennifer! It's more stressful for you than it is for him. Try not to worry about him as he's quite a little man. When Logan came along we had a couple of gifts from him to his new big sister Marie. She loved them and him. We still have the toys and she remembers when/who gave them to her. We tried to do this with each of the others as they came along too.
In the hospital, Marie was there with my brother and his family visiting us after Logan was born. I was trying to breastfeed him (learned not to attempt with that many people in the room LOL) and Marie turned to her cousin Blake and said, "Look, he's eating my Mom's boob!" Gotta love 'em!
Such a good post! What a little sweetheart. Don't you love those melt your heart moments?! I am so so glad that you liked that enchiladas!! They are so simple, nothing special, but so yummy!!! Thanks for always commenting it seriously makes me feel so good to know people actually are liking the blog. (I know it's silly)
Chase is such a smartie pants! You have done such an awesome job with him, he will transition just fine, I know it :)
Love that hes doing so well! He has to be the best well behaved boy alive :D Hes a sweetie and he will learn to love all these new changes. <3
He is such a sweet kid! I love his new bed, and am SO impressed he stayed in there!! you are a lucky girl!! I am excited to meet number 2! Thanks for your concerns! We are doing ok... it can only go up from here!! I will probably have to take you up on your offer sometime!! Thanks Jen!
OH I know! Don't you wish you could just freeze these little guys?! They are turning into full blown toddlers! :( We are trying the transistion to a "big boy bed" this weekend too! I am scared out of my mind. Hopefully it will go as well as Chase's transition. Adorable bed! ;) --So my expected delivery date is MID-MAY. How lame is that,..I don't get an actual date. 36 weeks is full term and that puts me mid may,..but I guess we will see. Hopefully they will at least bake through April! :) Thanks for checking in on me. How are you doing?
HOly cow! I can't believe how old Chase is looking! What a big boy! His big boy bed is so cute.
man i still love that bed, but i know what your talking about the "transition"....i had the same anxiety with must be an every mom thing. good news is your all worried but they seem to not even notice after they baby comes, they are just excited to have someone to play with, or more like "someTHING" in the beginning. =) LOL i hope your feeling okay. call me.
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