Grant is 18 months old! As the old saying goes, wow how time flies. He is growing up fast and continues to amaze us with his cute little personality. Chase and him are really beginning to play. I often hear giggling from another room and find those 2 sitting just laughing and of course when Grant is done with Chase then we start to hear the little squeals and screams. He really has the cutest little smile and is very expressive with his lops and mouth. You will not get a better pouty mouth from anyone else because he has perfected his. He is constantly jabbering and believe it or not most words I can pick out. He is saying quite alot of things latley. His favorite movie right now is Toy Story 3 and he walks around saying Buzz. If he even hears the movies coming on and squeal and starts clapping his hands and jumps up and down. Not Toy Story is cute, but I honestly love to turn it on just so I can see is reaction. (Cutest thing ever!) Now this poor guys has been through the ringer with ear infection. Since 6 months old he has had a total of 7....Lame I know! The funny thing is half the time we don't even know just because he is such a happy little guy. Now he does has his moments and will let you know when he is not happy, but for the most part he is a happy little guy and is the happiest when he is eating. (Hence the 27 lbs) He has no fear and is willing to try anything and giggles and laughs at things that most kids would be terrified of. Now on that note....He loves his mamma! He will really go to anyone, but he does have a preference for me and LOVES to be help by me, which is not always so easy when your kid is 27 lbs. We are just so blessed to have this little guy in our lives and look forward to many more year hugging and loving on him!
Words He is Saying: Buzz (Anything toy story and walks around and says this) Chase, Dance (Most time when music starts he wants everyone to dance with him and will say this over and over), Cheese, Thanks, Boobers, Bad, Blankeez (Blanket), Dosh (Josh), Milk, Bed, Mine, No, Yes, Peez...and so much more! These are just of the top of my head.
Still loves his blankets, and is kind of a blanket hoarder. I mean really he will steal anyones blanket. Sometimes he is walking around with 3 or 4.

Height-31.5 in (27.45 %tile)