I do not know how time goes by so fast and me not posting, but it seems to just have flown by! This past month has been great! We have been doing so many little things and having LOTS of fun with this great weather! We are going to take it in as much as we can before I am laid up for a few weeks with the new baby!
Mothers Day!
We had a great Mothers day this year! Chris got us a family pass to Thanksgiving Point so of course we started using it right away! First stop was the Dinosaur Museum! Every time we drive by Chase would point at the big dinosaur on the side of the building and growl. So we knew it was time to take him and let him experience what it was all about it! He loved it and just ran around and did every activity he could. I am sure we will spend LOTS of time there this next year.
As always Chase loves ths fish and could just sit there forever!

Look at all those bones

Digging in the sand

Digging for fossils

After the Dinosaur Museum the weather had cleared up so we headed over to enjoy the tulip festival. I think we wore Chase out with all the walking he was doing he he fell asleep right on Chris shoulders! Silly boy! Kids can really fall asleep anywhere!
Chase has been to the Tulip Festival before with Char, Melissa and Michelle. I think they must have ade him take a lot of pics because as soon as we walked in he stood in front of the flowers and said, "Cheese"

As many of you may know, Chris dad is now at the Utahs Veterans Home. We try go and see him every few weeks and Chase is always a big hit with all the residents there. He is a very social little guy and makes his rounds saying hello and patting them all on the hands. It is so cute! When we get there though he always finds grandpa and gives him a big hug! These two guys have there own special realtionship that none of us understand, but puts a smile on our face. The hug this particular day lasted about 2 minutes!

Well, Melissa 30 birthday has came and gone! Of course it was a great excuse for us to take a little girls trip...so off we went to St. George. It was a short yet perfect weekend of laying out, getting pedicures, movies, food, and friends!
Just a few pics of our weekend!
Please disregard my horrible roots....I plan on getting my hair done soon!

Worst pedis ever....Best WT entertainment!

Chris and Chase had a lot of fun while I was gone. They hit the childrens Discovery Gardens at Thankgiving Point, got haircuts, went to the park, ate Del Taco and got lots of little things done around the house. Since Chase had such a great time at the Discovery Gardens I took him there yesterday again to play in Noahs Ark. What a great little place for kids....and so close! We will be there a lot this summer!

Chase loves the fish no matter how murky the water!

There are a lot of fun activities for the kids to do there, but this was by far Chases favorite. I think he could have sat here for hours playing

There is so much more I could post, but wow this has gotten WAY TOO LONG! I just need to keep up on doing it ever week! We have had a great month and are looking forward to June and spending a lot of time with Chase before the new little one arrives. We are so excited for this new little boy in our lives, but will miss all this one on one time we have had with the little guy who has been the center of our lives for the past 2 years!
June 30th is the big day so we are going to live up all the summer fun we can until then!